I love airports.

(for those confused, I’m just arrived today in California for the Lyon workshop. So. Freaking. Pumped.)

Everybody has a different agenda, everybody is headed somewhere. It’s funny to think of an airport as a destination as that’s never really where anyone stays. When I read this article, I was instantly jealous and wondered what it would be like to be a live-in writer…then I remembered why I left journalism school and that was that. 😉

Regardless, airports are still an exciting place to me. I wish everyone had to tell me where they were going and why they were headed there. While sitting at my gate earlier this morning, I had the opportunity to do absolutely nothing (how fun is that!?) and just sit back, sipping my non-fat, half flavor, no whip mint mocha, and people watch. A mother with a stroller and a screaming baby (who were thankfully headed to the next flight over), an airport worker going about his morning ritual of saying hello and good morning to all the other airport employees, the identical twin of the creepy old man neighbor from Home Alone and a women talking loudly on her phone. Like…wicked loud. Now, I’m a firm believer in that if you talk loud enough for everyone to hear, then you’re obviously meaning for everyone to listen. I have to admit, her phone conversation made my morning:

Oh, hi honey!…I know, I can’t wait to be home, either…I mean, I love my family, but I love them so much more from over 1,000 miles away…ahahahah (picture me shrinking away from an evil witches cackle..she was one crazy lady)…oh, the flight here was just the flight from hell. But I’ll tell you about that later…oh, yeah…uhm….so on the way to the airport Carl, you know Carl—he’s my brother in law? Anyway, he offered to put my bags in the back of the truck for me and I got with with Cynthia. We accidentally hit a garbage can when we backed out of the driveway…oh, I know…yeah, she hits everything…I know, I wonder what her insurance is, too…anyway, we kept going thinking Carl would pick up the cans. The strangest thing was that people kept honking and pointing at us as we drove to the airport! Yeah…just wait…so we get out only to find we drug my last suitcase all the way here!!! I know, I was all like, what the hell Carl!? By the time we parked at curbside, the bag was beat to hell and all my clothes had fallen out. Yeah…I love Thanksgiving, too.

Yes. And that’s only one of the reasons why I love the airport.

I know I’m totally crapping it up by posting absolutely no pics, but use your imagination for this one. I’ll post goodies tomorrow!!

Another great thing–due to the time difference, I’m still able to catch Modern Family and Cougar Town! Reruns, but still freaking awesome.

