Remember that one time when I said that I would post regularly? Hmmm…interesting…whoops.


In my defense, I’ve not been on my main computer all week. Instead, I’ve been working out of the office while on vacation with almost my whole family Up North. Eight days and eight nights of family time; swimming, crafts, movies, meals, snacks, shopping, tasty beverages, walks…it’s been delightful! If only Mr. Nick and my brother’s girlfriend were able to join us…! We’ll be headed home tomorrow and I’m jumping right back to work with a cute little family session tomorrow night. Here’s hoping the weather continues to be balmy for us!

Kind of funny remembering the weather during this particular session below. It was a cold, freezing rain, sleeting ish kind of day; you know, the kind where your vehicle turns into more of a bumper-car, careening from curb to curb and nearly sliding through stop signs. Oh, glorious Old Man Winter has some tricky ways about him. In turn, the junky weather made for a fun indoor session! Murphy’s favorite toys these days seem to be the pots and pans in the cabinet, the dogs’ water dish and pretty much anything he could quickly grab and, just as quickly, dispel of. Capitalizing on that, we set out to explore the world according to Murphy!
