Maybe it’s an over share, but I have to laugh a little at the oddness that is my situation. Last week, I got completely hosed by a door-to-door meat salesman. Yes…that actually happened. Even as I came to the door in green pants, a ridiculously over-sized sweatshirt, fingerless mits and a scarf at 4:37 in the afternoon, he did not take pity on my sad state of life and, instead, just took me. Ha! Oh, well. All’s well that ends with two cases of overpriced beef and seafood.

Generally, by 4:37 in the afternoon I have migrated from green pants to blue jeans, but Internet…I tell you what…I have what they call a ‘sinus infection’. {Insert Joey air quotes here. No? Okay.} Ugh; it totally and completely has me down for the count. I mean, I feel like I got punched in the face without the benefit of a black eye. Cheap shot, Mother Nature. Well played.

Anywho, as I continue to sit here like a well-layered hermit, I figured I might as well get some work accomplished!

Gabrielle and I set out on a beautiful winter day to experiment with some bright snowy shots. We had already shot her senior session last fall, but she wanted to incorporate another look. No worries–we just had to wait until the perfect snowfall…which turned out to be a bit harder than initially anticipated! But, it snowed on beautiful night and we awoke to a few light inches of the white stuff and off we went. This girl is so gorgeous and just look at all that thick, brown hair!! Not to mention, she’s also graduating a year ahead of schedule…way to go, Gabby!!
