Today…is a great day.

Can you feel it?

Sunshine. Crisp fall air. Beautifully colored trees. Awesome song to wake up to on the alarm this morning…

Wait, was that last one just me? Come with me nowA rockin’ song with a sweet cinemagraph music video entrance. Lens flare. And an accordion? The accordionist moves me. And he’s sporting a killer beard; I dare you to not blast this tune and rock out. Dare you.

Seriously just makes a person want to jam. And jam I did. Oh. Yeah.


What a killer entrance for Abby’s dance-enthused senior session! Taking place at this Little picturesque farm that I happen to know of ;-), we had a blast wandering, wondering, laughing, dancing, playing with kitties, jumping, chatting and getting a few stellar images in there, too.
