Really, friends, it begins as all good fairy tales do.

Once upon a time…

…there was a girl with beautiful auburn hair, sparkling chocolate eyes and a smile that lit up even the darkest of days. And there once was a boy; charming and playful, a chuckle or a grin never far from his face. A chance meeting, an exchange of glances, a spark ignited. Years passed by in an instant and they found themselves on the morning of their forever. Her, peaceful and grinning. Him, as always, laughing with that mischievous twinkle in those baby blues. For today of all days, there was no room for anything but joy and unbridled happiness. And as they saw each other for the first time, she as his wife and he as her husband, they embraced and laughed whole-heatedly.

And, friends…

I am sure they will live happily ever after.
