So…how ’bout that storm last night?


I’m sure everyone who knows anyone in the Midwest is clearly already aware of how much we just love to talk about the weather. It’s true that not only is it a great conversation starter, but anyone can have an opinion about it, making it really about networking and empathizing. Myself? I’d way prefer a slightly different kind of weather over the wind, sheets of rain and cracks of lightening from last night…but…that might not be all too realistic.

So, therefore, we throw on our boots, air up that flat wheelbarrow tire, call on our families and dig in for some solid tree hugging time. When it rains; sometime it pours…and other times it offers us a chance at free firewood, good exercise and a little bit of humility in that it can always be worse.

{taken on my iPhone; biggest tree down in our yard, just barely missed the house}
