Okay, just look at the cheeks on this little bundle of awesome and then understand why I still love this session even though Little Louie didn’t even come close to ever cracking a smile. Like, even close. The entire time.

Did I care?

Goodness, no!!

{Sidebar :: I got to hang out with some pretty stellar daycare kids last Friday and, as we all know <oh, you don’t know? Now you do> Fridays are read-along book days. For people with little people in your lives, you’ve got to check out Pete the Cat. He is one. Cool. Cat. My favorite is White Shoes…or School Shoes…or Groovy Buttons. It’s really a toss up. But I think it’s Groovy Buttons for the win.}

Back to those cheeks and the super cool cat who sports them.

Don’t you just love this session? The colors? The smiles {of his parents!}? The sweetness? The Baby Carhartts?

I know I do.
