The call came early, like 4:00am early, but I was ready. Personally, I felt like I knew that Tuesday would be the day; it was only fitting. I told her I’d bide my time and to call me when the contractions were closer. Unable to sleep due to the impending excitement, I packed my equipment and jumped in the shower. Upon towel drying my hair, I received a phone call from my mother telling me to rush it as things were starting to happen. I kissed the Mr., patted the pup on the head, flew down the stairs and hopped in the Blaze as it was finally time!

Tires were squealing, limits were tested and wheels were gripped as I peeled into the parking lot. Arriving at 6:03am…sweet Savannah James wasting no time and arriving at 6:34am.

Sweet, sweet Savannah James.

{the middle name is after our grandfather who celebrated his 90th birthday on the day Savi J was born}

{I will forever laugh at this image of MiaRae’s excitement over having a baby sister…!}
