Busy season is in full swing and I’m solidly up to my eyeballs in editing, shooting, emailing, downloading, uploading, ordering, calling and all the things! A huge thanks and shout out to all clients who have been extremely patient during the super-swamped season!!
I’ve also been a bit slow on the blogging front, so let’s see what we can do about that…

Styve had some great ideas for her senior photo session and truly was a natural in front of the camera. Doesn’t hurt that we shot at the always gorgeous Gardens of Castle Rock {where you can join me this Tuesday, October 24, 4-7pm, alongside 29 other vendors for a wedding open house! Should be good times!! #shamelessplug} and that the sun was perfection for us!!

Also, I have a little policy with senior photos that, generally, if you come with to watch…you’ll be asked to participate. 😉
You’ve been warned.
