Sometimes I get these sessions that I almost can’t even handle because I know they will turn out exactly how I’m imagining them to. A beautiful couple, full of love and energy and all things awesome. In a gorgeous location. At just the right time of evening.

Plus, her amazing eyes?!

All is going well with the world and there is perfect harmony and all is simpatico and happiness.

And then a rain cloud appears and flash floods happen.

At the exact time that I pulled into the parking lot after an hour drive for a session that only had a small window of opportunity to happen as the awe-inspiring couple resides out of state.

I sat in disbelief as instant puddles formed around me in the parking lot. Fat, angry raindrops abused my windshield as my wipers furiously tried to keep up. {I was parked but refused to let the storm obstruct my view. Stubborn? Yes. Pick my battles? Not quite.} I watched a hiker dash to his car just in time to get completely soaked by the torrential downfall. I even took a ridiculously lame iPhone video to send to the Mr. displaying my ultimate dismay and discouragement at the annoying twist of the weather.

He really likes how into weather chasing/obsessing I am.

That was sarcasm.

However…perspective…perspective is everything. We sat. We waited. We texted our grievances and sad emoji faces. We rearranged and dealt with the given circumstance. Really, what else was there to do?

And then…

The rain lifted. A beautifully dense fog appeared. The mosquitos tucked away from the strangling drops still falling. The grounds were lush, green and full.

A rainbow appeared.

Lemons to lemonade, my friend.
