This morning, I woke up in one of those weird half-stages of reality. You know what I mean? Like when you’re not sure if you are still dreaming or if you have actually managed to walk out of the house in green pants and a sports bra and made it to the post office with a plate of brownies? Did I mention I was confused mostly because my ride was one of those fake-but-real carousel horses, straight out of Mary Poppins? I guess that’s what I get for eating a jelly roll pan of brownies while jamming to the Disney station on Pandora before going to bed. I’m only half kidding.
Anywho, regardless of my state of mind this morning, I got up and have been getting some serious work done today. I gotta say…it feels good!!
Since I’m on hiatus of posting any more family sessions until after the holidays, I thought it would be more than awesome to post this beautiful senior! Caitlyn came down to Northfield for a beautiful afternoon session {we scored some great weather in early October. Later October? Not so much.} All my seniors this year have just been so easy and fun to work with…and they’re awesome so…yay for seniors!!!