
Wildflowers Workshop

Adventures, family love, Just me., the business April 3, 2014 5 Comments

Hi friends! Can you believe I’m writing this from sunny, warm California?! Yay for surprise trips and winter getaways!! I hope the Midwest is thoroughly enjoying the snow-dump age we’re slated to receive today…we’ll be soaking up the sunshine over here…follow me on Instagram to see more images of the trip! It’s no secret that I love to travel. While…


5 things you might not know about me

Adventures, Just me. October 31, 2013 2 Comments

While driving to a session yesterday, I got to thinking about relationships. The pseudo-connection we all feel by stalking Facebook updates and Instagram posts. I happen to know quite a bit about some people who I very rarely talk through the magic of the Interwebs. It’s interesting at the same time that it irks me. I mean, what would I…


F.I.N.D. Minneapolis

Adventures, Just me., the business October 30, 2013 5 Comments

Earlier this year, I purchased a seat to a Film Is Not Dead workshop with the infamous film photographer, Jonathan Canlas. Oddly enough, at the time, I had no clue who he was, what FIND was, or even how to load the medium format film camera I had just acquired, but for some reason my brain would not let me…


Gold Star

Adventures, Just me. October 12, 2013 2 Comments

Every day, I have gold-star moments. These aren’t ground-breaking, pivotal, life-changing moments, but rather a brief few seconds of time imbedded within every day life. Upon stumbling upon said moment directly results in a self-high-five in my brain and thoughts of, ‘heck yes, gold star moment!!’ followed by a little happy dance. In my brain, not in life {I might…


29 before 30

Adventures, Just me., the business June 11, 2013 2 Comments

Well, it’s Tuesday already–and my first full day of being 29. The earth didn’t shift off its axis and there weren’t any tragic, life-changing events as I slid awesomely into the world of my last 20th year. To be quite honest, I’m not worried one bit about turning 30 {40, on the other hand, will most likely be a completely…
