Sigh. It’s one of those weeks. You know what I mean? No, not one of those weeks as in the terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad variety, but just the kind where it feels like your head is actually detached from your body. Which, in reality, would be super cool at the same time as being almost unbelievably creepy. But in all seriousness, how handy…
A little public service announcement that my website is going to be a bit finicky {as in, possibly not visible} for the next 24 hours or so…but with good reason. 😉 So hang in there and all will reveal itself in good time! Happy Day, Happy Dance!!!
Wow. I mean…wow. What an amazing birthday weekend I’m coming off of! I have the best family and friends. Ever. The past few days have simply exploded my heart. Looking back, I did alot in my 20s. Seriously, it’s a bit funny to think of where I was 10 years ago and all my life events that have taken place…
Sometime last fall, I came upon a serious problem. Like, OMG. {Sarcastically serious if you are having trouble hearing my type-voice.} I had booked weddings for both the weekend before and after my birthday, thus leaving no time to get my birthday shenanigans on. 🙁 Ultimate sad face. What was a girl to do? Then, one day, champagne fell from…
Amazingly enough, I’ve been getting things done around ye ole homestead as of late. The herb garden is flourishing, the regular garden is growing and the plans are coming together for the raised bed that will soon grace our minimally landscaped lawn. Painting projects that have had a seemingly permanent home on my to-do list are being checked off faster…