Does it seem hard to believe that the school year is coming to an end already? Carter’s senior sesh took place on a beautifully brisk fall morning. He had some ideas about incorporating his car and beloved hockey apparel and we set out around Northfield to capture this milestone moment. I feel like this year has flown by…and for any…
All this gorgeous sunshine makes me really very excited for summer. For open windows and walks in the sunshine. Outdoor activities and sunshine. Blossoming trees and warm wind and bonfires and did I mention sunshine? 😉 Summer and the beautifully glorious light-does it get any better? Hmmm..what if I tossed a gorgeous senior, on her family farm, with her super…
Ah, Monday. We meet again. Our weekend was one of those get stuff done, be boring around the house kind of weekends and, although it was pretty much lackluster and blah, we sure did get some things accomplished! Looking out over the yard this morning through freshly washed clear windows gives me a hefty slice of homeowner satisfaction. It seems…
Hello, happy Monday and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! oooOOOoooOOOoooOoo!! If you’re anything like me, this holiday rocks. Candy, random decorations of dead things, candy and little kids dressed up in strange and hilarious outfits. Yup, I’ll take it! I may or may not have forgotten to carve our pumpkin, so that particular activity may be on the afternoon agenda. Maybe. I remember…
Senior sessions are all about the senior. If you have never rode a horse in your life, for heaven’s sake, let’s not acquire a pony for your shots. 😉 What do YOU like to do? Where do YOU hang out? What is it that makes YOU tick? Then let’s do that. When Sarah brought up the idea of ice time,…