I had a hard time coming up with the words for this particular post.

These girls…are amazing. I’ve watched most of them grow up through birthday parties, dress up, Barbies, football games, dance competitions, and girls-night-ins. I played chauffeur for a few of them {at some seriously questionable times} 😉 and laughed at their crazy stories. It hasn’t always been perfect and it has very rarely been easy, but these girls will tell you how it is. Through life’s challenges, I’ve witnessed some incredible fights (these are the types of ladies you want on your side!) and even more miraculous make-ups. I’ve seen them go to extremes to support one another or simply lend a shoulder to lean on. From a distance, I’ve seen them branch out and try new things, move away from home, meet new friends and grow from being babies to raising them.

Can’t wait to see what the next five years hold for you.
