So…this month has gone completely awry in the world of me. <wow, dramatic much?!> Last night I dropped a raw chicken breast in the kitchen sink and couldn’t stop laughing for fear if I did, I’d cry. We’re 21 days in and it’s been a trying 21 days at that. I started to exercise and change a few terrible eating habits {anyone else a nighttime snacker?! Ugh-so hard to break! I love popcorn! And bite size candy! And four glasses of wine! And peanut M&Ms! And anything else I can get my lazy, grazey fingers on!}…mentally taxing, my friends. I’ve watched a select handful of dear family and good friends get the proverbial bomb dropped on them with less than stellar health or relationship news {self-destructive and otherwise}, hurling them into the scary world of the unknown, forcing them to be stronger than ever before for themselves and everybody else. Which makes my website crashing {twice this year already!}, unfinished house projects and severe lack of matching socks seem like trivial sesame seeds in the Big Mac of life.

2015…you’re proving to be one tricky little SOB…

But in the face of everything that’s seemingly going wrong, there’s always a silver lining. Always. There has to be. For every negative there needs to be a positive. Perhaps not equal, but still present. I’ve been able to log more actual face-to-face or over-the-phone time with family and friends than I’ve been able to in the longest time; that feels so good. I realized that I still remember how to write a tiny bit of code, just enough to be able to fix my website the first time around; holy smokes, I actually retained something from college! Not snacking at night has allowed me to free up my grubby fingers for more awesome things like reading, puzzling or tea-drinking; I’ve been sleeping like a damn rock. Watching my family and friends face adversity and rise up to meet the challenge has been heart wrenching, unbelievably moving, inspiring, strengthening…amazing; I have kick-ass family and friends who are so strong…they have no idea. Inspiring. I found I have tenacious support in the guy by my side that I never really realized or thought about before; he’s pretty cool…I’m the lucky one.

I write this post not to complain or air dirty laundry {seriously, where do the socks go?!}, but to send it out there. Vibes in the universe, from my heart to your screen. Things aren’t always downstream swimming for everyone…every once in a great while it’s required to fight the current, do a little work, get a little messy, be a little tired, feel a little crappy. In turn, the reaping of the good days is that much sweeter, that much more deserved.

So…here’s to not giving up nor giving in. Diving in, getting dirty, finding the fun, becoming a steadfast fortress of positive thinking and action in the face of challenge. Fighting, winning, remembering, moving on to a better time.

{a fav from our book-inspired senior session this fall}
