Once upon a time, my blog crashed. Or rather, the company that hosted my blog and website failed to plan for the loss of servers and therefore lost years of my blog information, specifially alllllllll the images on my blog since day one. The writing is all there, just no pretty pictures to go with it. Which, for a photography blog…tends to be a bit of an issue. I tried for months to get someone to help me {I mean, once on the internet/always on the internet, right} to no avail. The host company was a joke and offered zero assistance and perhaps the worst customer service I have ever been unfortunate to encounter. Not that I’m bitter or anything.

Anywho, since the great crash of June 2018 I found a wayyyy better host company and have been working at rebuilding my blogsite as well as relocating the images to reload to previous blog posts.


Because this blog is my life, in a visual sense. It holds my growth and efforts as a business, stories and dreams, goals reached and those yet to be attained. It’s my portfolio of all my amazing clients; litterally every single session I have every photographed has been blogged, save for two weddings that asked not to be shared. Trips and adventures. Over TEN YEARS on this little space.

Plus, it’s soooooo fun and entertaining to get sucked into looking back over the years….

Like with this family. I’ve photographed them yearly since 2013 {no joke, with only one off year tossed in there for good measure} and it would be amazing to have the ability to click back to those previous sessions to marvel over the growth of both this charismatic family and my style and knowledge behind the lens. Alas, we can currently only surf back to their sessions from 2018, 2019 or 2020…perhaps that’s good enough for now, but one day I hope to have ye ‘ole blog 100% restored and operable once again!

Without further preamble, I present one of my most favorite session with these five. I think I say that every year…?

I’m okay with that.
