Remember sun? And green grass? And warmth?

And sun?


Haha, I joke. I love all seasons and winter rocks for getting outside and letting the wind slap your face and suck the air out of your lungs–you know what I’m talking about. Skiing and snowmobiling and sledding and snowmen…now if we only got the snow to actually do all those things, this winter would be set!

Even though the cooler temps have me angsty for summer, I’ve been enjoying the slower days, longer nights and cozy times inbetween.

And in those cozy times, I’m dreaming and schemeing up plans for the summer. Thinking about clients I get to revisit and wondering what the new season will bring. Imaging the conclusion of the construction at the studio {imagining, dreaming, wishing, praying…all the above} and the most excellent open house celebration that will commence upon it’s final completion. Camping and boating. Late nights and long days. Can’t wait.

Plus, I’ll get to see these goofballs again! I’ve said it once if I’ve said it 1,286 times…repeat clients are the flippin’ bees knees.
