Whew–happy Monday!

Ha, wait…it’s actually Tuesday? Okay, okay, that seems fair. We just got back last night after spending a long weekend at a lake cabin with my parents and the in-laws {and then some!} and it was so rejuvenating. Too much food and frosty beverages, just enough sun and warm weather, and some calm, glass-resembling water to get a little bit of boarding in. Oh, and we round it all up with Mr. Nick’s 30th birthday yesterday complete with chocolate birthday cake on a pontoon in the middle of the lake! Follow me on Instagram {@sweetshibui} to see a couple pics of the trip! I came home to one ripe tomato in the garden {with blossom end rot again–help anyone?!!?}, a few other garden goodies and Norah went completely berserk when we walked in the door…it feels so good to be loved!

Being home {and perhaps mostly importantly, sleeping in our own bed! Oh, how I missed my flannel sheets!} now has got me ready to rock! This summer I’ve become incredibly partial to stay-cations not only to be a bit more budget friendly, but also for the redeeming quality of getting away from the daily grind. Recharging the batteries. Getting more {or less, depending on how you look at it!} sleep. Unplugging from work and concentrating on real people and real life beyond the computer/iPhone/iPad screen. Then coming back home ready to dive into work, refreshed and inspired. It’s surprising what a couple days can do for a person.


Continuing back to the squirrel cage, I found this nugget of love waiting in my blog queue. Muranda, Caleb and I met one beautifully sunny early-evening in Cannon Falls for their engagement session and I couldn’t have been happier with the end result. Not only are these two so stinking cute together, but the locations, props {yay!} and evening were just completely…well, you take a peek for yourself and decide!
