It was noisy and chaotic as hallpassing time at the high school tended to be. We met in the usual place to shoot the breeze for the 4 minutes of freedom that was alloted to us between classes. As we talked about annoying teachers and weekend plans, she smiled at a sight over my shoulder and I turned to see him come into view. A group of boys sauntering down the slanted hallway; a explosion of voices and laughter, of Carharts, Fox Racing, and tattered hats laced with the aroma of oil, grease, wood shavings, colonge and other V-Wing boy smells. She had a soft spot for him for quite some time and was certain, in this the winter of our junior year, that she would be dating ‘that kid’ by the end of the year. We both laughed, parted ways, and ducked into our respective classes just as the bell rung shrilly overhead.

Ten and a half years later, they’re engaged.
