I love to wake up early. Let’s amend that. I love to be up early. The waking up part I could save for a later time. We keep a cold house and my bed is comfy, what can I say!? But on those days when I can roust myself out of bed at a dark hour, brew that first cup…
It’s been a minute since this wedding, but the arrival of that beautiful snow last night has got me thinking about this day all over again…walk with me down memory lane… The energy on this day was just a solid yes from all involved. Everyone was in it to win it; laughing, poking jokes, genuine smiles, happiness overflowing for all…
I think we ‘ended’ this session maybe…three times? Ha! Each time, little Allie came up with one more idea that she wanted to try out and who was I to shut her down? The best shots always come when everyone is a bit more comfortable, a bit more laid back. Easier laughter, authentic smiles and true selves emerge. And I…
It can be difficult on a good day to pick the right date and then make sure everyone shows up on time, showered, with clean -meshing over matching!- clothes *and* a smile…let alone getting your extended family rounded up in the mix. But these fine ladies and gents showed up not only with smiles, but with genuine hugs and laughter,…
Sometimes all the pieces come together. The sun glows just so as the breeze picks up speed across the prairie; while a little boy comes out of his shell and parents remember what it was like to just love each other. No time commitments, no pressure, no rush. This momma in front of my lens…’twas a dream.