I mean–to know this family is to laugh a little bit at how ‘quiet’ these images look. Do not be fooled; there wasn’t too much that was mellow or quiet about this afternoon! What you can’t hear is the laughing and the playing, the constant chatter, the hard core parkour moves, the insistence and hand-pulling of ‘let’s take a picture…
Oh, well hello there. It’s been a while, I know. Life and pandemic and a road trip and just a general overall feeling of wanting to be offline has kept me away. You too? Books and baking, long walks and medium runs just seem to call to me more than pixels and bright lights and flashing ads. It’s been nice….
The weather here is slap you in the face amazing right now. Spring. Wow. What a clever little thing spring is to follow winter… Kinda makes a person hungry for summer though. Such unsatisfied beasts we are. Sunshine and bare feet and open windows and blooming gardens…yeah, you can sign me up for that. I’ve been photographing this family since,…
Okay, could this family look anymore like they were handpicked for a magazine ad?! Those gorgeous smiles, that brilliant blonde hair, the beautifully Scandinavian color scheme and under the bright Minnesotan summer sun…hanging out with this family is a joy!
This session seems like it took place yesterday, but it’s already been a couple months. Where did these last few months disappear to!? Always a circus with these kiddos — and I mean that in the best of all ways. Full of energy, expressions, giggles, cuddles and playfulness. Never a dull moment!