Eek! Where did this summer go!? I can’t believe that we’re already chasing fall colors and dreaming of all things apple orchard and sweaters and crispy leaves and crock pot meals…autumn in Minnesota is awesome. Wouldn’t you agree? But, let’s give credit where credit is due and throw a little shout-out to bright greens and the warm temps of summer!!…
I’m a sucker for a growing family, and this family…oh, these kiddos! They have a sliver of my heart and have me excited for every time I see them. We play, we pretend, we schmooze, sometimes there are a few tears…but each and every time we have love. A person can feel it when you walk in the door; love…
Sometimes I put the cart a little before the horse and, today, I’m going to be okay with it. I mean, chicken or the egg…egg or the chicken…it’s all debatable anyway. Earlier this summer, the fellow and I purchased some rugged country land. Since the day we closed on it, I was itching to get some kind of session going…
It didn’t take but more than a few minutes for each of these kiddos to lose their shoes and run barefoot. Wild and free, laughing and climbing, playing and jumping. Unknowingly making memories that will last them more than a lifetime. I give you, Cousins on the Farm in Summertime.
There once was a girl who wore a yellow dress. The dress itself was delicate and thin. It had been passed through the family for decades, worn by her mother and her mother’s mother. It was the simple gown they wore when they were but a few years old. When life was ripe and fresh and new, filled with sunshine…