This is the most appropriate throwback if I ever saw one. Christmas in June, anyone? 😉 I think I’m okay with it as long as it’s this dang adorable…!
Another awesome family who I have have the honor, pleasure, and all the good vibes about photographing since Andy & Angie’s engagement session just a few short years ago. And then we quickly find ourselves wicked fast-forwarded to their sweet peanut’s first birthday milestone. Where. Does. The. Time. GO!? Ella was, as always, a ball of energy! Smiles, giggles and…
And let’s not forget this little family of three. Who are about to become a family of four, I might add. 😉
It’s birthday week already. Mine. Mine birthday week. Well, maybe yours, too. Depends on who you are. 😉 So let’s have ourselves a little treat this week and feast upon some truly delicious eye candy, shall we? I’ve got posts coming out of the woodwork-still catching up from last fall! Better late than never and still totally worth it I…
The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, lies in its loyalty to each other.                              -Mario Puzo This session started out just the same as most other sessions-a mom calls a photographer,…