All occasions. Every day. The moments inbetween. The moments themselves. Everything deserves to be preserved. This is your history. Photograph it.
It’s one thing to have a job. Something that generates an income. Gives back enough green to pay your bills and *hopefully* retain a little extra for everyday life. A place to go for ‘adult time’ and a reason to pat yourself on the back for being a contributing member of society. It’s a whole ‘nother beast to have a…
A couple weeks ago, I posted that babies are everywhere. I wasn’t kidding…or complaining. Look at those cheeks! And that sweet, soft skin. The wrinkles; the rolls. Tiny toes, smaller fingers, precious new life. Instant adoration by big brother and such a strong love from mom and dad. Yeah, I think I can get used to all these babes.
I love Mondays. And Tuesdays. I enjoy Wednesdays and really like Thursdays. But Fridays? Fridays are my jam. They are my productive day of getting stuff done so I can play all weekend. They are the swirly, hand-blown Murano glass bowl that awaits a delicious scoop of Saturday and delightfully hefty topping of Sunday. Everything is food. And all food…
Summer is upon us and I’m feeling it hard you guys. It seems like even more than ever there are not enough hours in the day! Between work and shoots, squeezing in times for gardening and the pup, too many fun activities and outings…it’s already the middle of June. Oorah for summer and good times, but maaannnnnnnn…slow dooowwwnnnnnn… I mean,…