‘Man, I wish we never took those photos…’ ‘I’m so glad I went to work today instead of taking off an hour early to hang out with my family…’ ‘That was such a waste of energy to run around and play this morning…’ ‘I hate when my stomach hurts from laughing so hard…’ ‘I’m glad we have so few photos…
Sweet girly smiles in pretty pink dresses. Sunny summer mornings. Squishy baby feet and squeals of delight. Green grass. Loving glances. Peek-a-boo and sing-song voices… Mornings don’t get too much better than this. 🙂
It’s August. Say wahhhhhaaaattt?! I know!! The end of summer is upon us!! Once you start hearing plugs on the radio for the Great Minnesota Get Together, you know it’s just around the corner. School supplies are out in bulk {seriously, though. What is up with that?}. The sun is high, the time is short and we’re all about packing…
Four years. Can you believe it? I can’t. Four years ago, I got the call. I watched as your momma breathed and pushed, laughed then cried, cajoled and labored you into this world…your daddy joking, holding, whispering, and supporting her all the while. Your wail was wild and free. They wept with joy and exhaustion. Time seemed to stand still….
If you would rather feast your eyes on some beautiful imagery than work have some spare time, go back in the archives here for Miss Zaria’s newborn session or go here for Mr. Silas’ brand new baby images. All three sessions were done in different houses and all three capture the love, compassion and excitement of this beautiful growing family…