She called me on a Wednesday afternoon to update me with plans for her scheduled induction on Friday. She was past her due date, she was feeling uncomfortable, she was ready to hold the babe she had been watching grow in her belly for months. The baby wasn’t progressing and, as much as she wanted everything to move on its…
Seamus Arthur :: a birth story
bigger little ones, Birth Stories, family love, little ones, preggersBaby Blue Eyes showing off his toothy grin, silly smiles and seemingly endless range of motion. Brothers…one cannot help but to think of the adventures they’re going to have. The mischeif, the fights, the apologies, the cover-ups for each other and the support, love and fondness they’ll forever share for each other. Ahhhh, life with boys…♥
Eeekk!! It’s Friday and nearly the beginning of birthday week, the best week of the year!!! I got told last night that I’m too old to celebrate birthday week and to that particular dude I say ‘doom on you’! You’re never too old for anything {except maybe peeing your pants or eating your boogers…you know, pretty much anything that’s socially…
Oh, man, this cheeky little dude!! The sweetness, the colors, {that bear shirt!}, the drool, the tears…I’m just going to go ahead and let this session speak for itself. 😉
This sweet, sweet little boy…with his little love for blankies, foxes and all things bright. Those eyes and that smile and that doting big brother…sigh.