bigger little ones

quick snow filled session

bigger little ones, family love, Just me. April 30, 2015 No Comments

Okay, I’m laughing at myself now. Actually shaking my head. At myself. And now you know what my average Thursday morning is like. 😉 I’m a planner. I’m a dreamer. I’m an idea maker and creative. It’s just…the follow-through that seems to be a bit on the rocks as of late. It’s completely my fault {duh}, but it cracks me…


Joseph James Squire :: 6 months

bigger little ones, family love, little ones, sweet baby program April 27, 2015 No Comments

JJ-Squire…this kid rocks. Honestly, I think he’s always only a blink away from a smile! They had sold their house during the time around his 6-month session in December. This was the house that had started this family; seen them through job changes, three children, many parties, celebrations, arguments and love. Most of all, the home that housed so much…
