bigger little ones

Sextons :: Family

bigger little ones, family love, Seniors!! August 16, 2022 No Comments

It’s official :: I simply cannot fathom time. I mean, I had issues in 3rd grade learning how to decipher the colorful smiley face of the classroom clock, but that particular skill set was mastered years ago. I’m talking about the actual passage of time. How does it feel so slow and yet so incredibly, slap-you-in-the-face fast…all at the same…


Novotnys :: Extended Family

bigger little ones, family love August 14, 2022 No Comments

Time and again I’m asked what my favorite sessions are to photograph and, to be very honest…I have no idea!! I love seniors when I’m shooting seniors, families when I’m hanging out on the ground with little kiddos, weddings when I’m elbows deep in tulle and love…it all plays. I love it all! However, I think my favorite parts of…


Sextons :: Family

bigger little ones, family love March 7, 2022 No Comments

It’s Tuesday, but feels like a Monday. Is that just me or is it like that with everyone this week? A bit of a time warp, yes? Perhaps it’s due to daylight savings ending this coming weekend. I, for one, am super jacked at the possibility of longer days and more sunshine again. February seemed a bit flaky; I’m ready…
