bigger little ones

Sammon Family

bigger little ones, family love, little ones September 30, 2013 No Comments

Last week I attended a workshop that really got me to open my eyes and see my business {and my life} from a new perspective. I hope to get into that particular experience more in another post, but what I really took away from it was the importance of having photographs. The course leader said over and over again, ‘Don’t…


Emma :: 5 years!!

bigger little ones, family love, preggers September 12, 2013 No Comments

Fall is in the air, don’t you agree? I walked outside bright and early this morning {before 7am, if you were wondering!} and swear I smelled fall. Crisp, clear and somewhat chilly it instantly put a smile on my face and a bounce in my morning. In reality, I almost started jumping up and down and clapping my hands with…
