I’m about jumping out of my skin today coming down off such a fun-filled, beautiful weekend!! Aw, man, I can’t believe it’s already over! I kicked off Friday with Delaney & Brad’s lovely golf course wedding and hilarious photobooth. Saturday brought some quilting, my very first Red Bull experience {I’ve never had a Red Bull before. Wow…it was awesome.} and…
Wheeeee! The sun is shining and even though I can’t hear the birds chirping over the sound of the howling wind and the creaking of our old house…I know they’re there! It feels like ages since the sun has made an appearance and it feels so good to have it streaming in the window, brightening up the place. I can’t…
Oh, my goodness. Could it be? Is it really? THE SUN!?! I don’t know about you, but I’m fully planning to enjoy the sunshine today {albeit a titch brisk}. But, hey, this lady is not complaining! No siree, not while that flaming ball of hot deliciousness is hanging overhead! And it’s Thursday already!? Three cheers for an awesome day, whheeeee!!…
What a beyond excellent weekend, wouldn’t you agree? Well, aside from the weather being a bone-chilling arctic letdown, it was pretty stellar. I thoroughly try to pack as much in one weekend as humanly possible as it’s usually the only time the Mr. and I get uninterrupted face time without the barrier of my computer screen or his iPhone {dude…
Could it be? Is that…the sun?! My little plantlings are taking over our dinning room as we speak and I could not be more excited for all this snow to melt and to get my garden on. I see posts on Facebook and some of the blogs I follow about gardening tips, how-tos, and instructionals on DIY outside projects and…