bigger little ones


bigger little ones, family love, little ones November 7, 2012 No Comments

Generally, I’ve thought that family photographs are not my forte. However, after going through the archives and seeing what I’ve been producing this fall, I guess I would have to change my mind and say they are now a front-runner! Family photographs are so important not only to have for the members involved in the image, but also for years…


Amy & Jason :: family!!

bigger little ones, family love October 23, 2012 2 Comments

Apparently, Monday is more ‘my day’ than Tuesday. I woke up late this morning, tripped on a dog ball after which I narrowly escaped wildly flailing down the stairway. Went to let the dog out and, after getting insanely jealous seeing me give love to buns before her, she accidentally pile-drived me into the wall…and the water dish…resulting in soaking…
