Twins…love them!!! What a fantastic twist of fate to be given two healthy babies at one time {and, yes, I can say that being that I am the one who gets to hear about midnight feedings and serious lack of sleep that first year…and not actually live it}. Awwwwwww, other people’s kids rock!!! I could not stop commenting on how…
Babies, babies!!! Evie’s mom contacted me well before she was born to set a tentative date to photograph newborn Baby 4. They didn’t find out if Baby 4 was going to be a boy or a girl {with strong suspicions leaning toward a boy!}, so they were surprised and thrilled to add another pink blanket to the mix! Using their…
Ooooo!!! One of the perks of having your dad be a firefighter?! An awesome firehouse available for your photographer’s full disposal!! 🙂 I’m starting to get pretty acquainted with the Lakeville Fire Station {even met a ‘blog stalker’ there–you know who you are!!}. It’s SO much fun to be able to shoot in different areas and stretch my imagination and…
The Sweet Baby Program is a fantastic way to capture your child’s growth throughout their first year of life. Let’s face it; time flows so quickly during those 12 months that most parents feel like they hardly took any ‘real’ {meaning non-phone} images. That’s where I come in. Scheduling a maternity {optional}, newborn, 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month sessions to…
Oh, sweet girl how are you already 1!? Miss MiaRae Elizabeth, you entertain us all with your highest of high-pitched squeals, your squishy face, your purple feet and your beautiful, big baby blues. Love you sweetie! We got the whole fam damily in on this one and took advantage of the new space that Tawna and Charlie had to offer…