bigger little ones

Levi :: 1 year!!

bigger little ones, family love, little ones March 20, 2012 No Comments

One of the most heartwarming and favorite areas of my career is being a part of otherwise-strangers lives. I first photographed Greta’s one-year and have been back to capture Levi’s birth and now his one-year–watching these kids grow and this family evolve just makes me think about how this is, most certainly, what I was meant to do. After playing…


Baby Bennett

bigger little ones, family love, little ones March 13, 2012 1 Comment

Perhaps the session was planned to showcase little Bennett being the newest member of the family and all, but little Maggie was…quite the show-stealer. 😉 Aren’t these shirts the cutest! Hope found them at Heather Roger’s site on Etsy–they can be custom made for all occasions. Very cool!!


Aubrey :: 3 month

bigger little ones, little ones, sweet baby program March 12, 2012 No Comments

Inevitable. I’m sick. {Again}. And, no, it’s not just a case of the Monday’s. 😉 Perhaps having too much outside time with the pups this weekend and all that glorious fresh air brought the usual spring cold a bit earlier than normal…gotta embrace a rainy day with sore throat and aching bones…makes those sunny day seem just that much nicer!…
