Working away on editing sessions and nearly busted a gut when I came across this one…gotta love big brothers, right!?
It may have been…a little too chilly out (seriously, if our winter turns out to be as pathetic as our fall…ugh. I will be one un-happy camper.), but we put on a brave face anyway–or at least a smiling, laughing face! Lillie is such a cutie and had us all chasing after her, running with her and just generally having…
Oooooo–energy and smiles and laughing, oh my!! That pretty much sums up my shoot with Avery! She was a bundle of awesomeness, her outfits were so sweet and her personality…amazing. What a sweet little girl!!
The air is crisp, the weather is turning and the holiday season is just around the corner. And, it just so happens, it’s my top three favorite of all weekends {top two are my birthday weekend and Christmas, respectively,with Thanksgiving coming in at #4, in case you were wondering}: deer hunting opener. Every year, we load the guys up with…