Yup, we’ll just keep rollin’ full steam ahead with these cuties. Ahhhh, all the blog posts. Can you even handle it?! I can’t. Getting back into the swing of work has never felt so good. How do career bloggers do it? I, for one, will probably never know. Anywho, onto the goods!! A softspot and a fondness in my heart…
Yeah…again, may I say it?! REPEAT CLIENTS ARE THE BEST!!!!! Getting to watch these boys grow up before my very lens has been a treat in and of itself. Alex is all that is limbs and big smiles while Aiken is all that is hilarious mischief and together with their parents…well, we have a pretty good time together. 😉
AHHHHH!!!! These guys!!! They thought they were going to be all awkward and ‘what do I do with my hands’ {spoiler alert–that tends to be everybody’s nightmare!}…but then we met, walked, laughed and the weirdness never appeared. Just pure love and sunlight and fun. Just how mandatory family time should be!
Repeat clients are just amazing. I’ve been catching up with this adorable family since Miss Ellie was a newborn {fastest newborn session I’ve ever done to this date!} and I can’t wait to see them again this fall!
Just flying through the blog que over here, getting caught up and feelin’ oh SO good about it! Cruising into last fall well before this fall, how’s that for up to date content? All joking aside, I used to be better at posting my images! I could blame it on Covid, but…well, sure, let’s just blame it on Covid. Bad,…