People often ask me about my favorite subject to photograph. Generally, I answer the same way. “All of it. When I’m shooting weddings, I love couples in love. When I’m photographing seniors, I love hearing about their future plans and capturing the now. When I get to photograph families, I love crawling around with the kiddos and playing and running…
Seriously, so many sessions to blog, so many stories to tell. When Brianna and I chatted about what she had in mind for their session, talks of their dogs, their hobbies/obsessions {her horses, his vehicles} and their greatest joy, {their son Weston} bubbled up immediately. We talked about locations and settled on something rural and near their country home. When…
General rule, I just love when families take the time to commit to preserving their legacy. Family sessions are really so much more than smile-look-at-the-camera {although a sprinkling of those is always nice!}. They’re a culmination of sweet glances, gentle touches, guiding hands, loving stares, giggles and stories, running and playing. Being together. As you’re meant to be.
Full disclosure. The same night I photographed this sweet little man, the fellow was off to the movies to see It. Obviously, I snagged this giant red balloon to strategically place in the wooded area around our camper house to get a little scare out of him. In reality, I think it was more humorous to me than it was…
The temps are dropping and so is my will to get out of bed in the morning. I mean, how many times is technically too many times to hit snooze in the a.m.?! Regardless, the sun rises and sets and I continue to spend hour after hour getting caught up in this, the busy season. It’s been marvelous, friends, it…