little ones


bigger little ones, family love, little ones May 4, 2017 No Comments

Betcha didn’t believe me when I said I was going to post every day, eh?! Oh, but I am. I. Am. Maybe it’s because it’s like the world is awakening again. Spring does that to a soul, wouldn’t you agree? Makes one feel invigorated and energizes. I’m not certain if it’s the chirping of the birds or the greening of…


Conlee James :: 1 year

family love, little ones November 10, 2016 No Comments

I so adore this sweet family session. Perhaps it’s because, over the years, we’ve established not only a fantastic working relationship, but also a friendship. Jess and I went to school for photography together…from that chance meeting, I have been fortunate enough to capture their engagement session, wedding, maternity…and now little Conlee’s first year milestone! {Plus I got to scope…
