little ones

Joseph James Squire :: 6 months

bigger little ones, family love, little ones, sweet baby program April 27, 2015 No Comments

JJ-Squire…this kid rocks. Honestly, I think he’s always only a blink away from a smile! They had sold their house during the time around his 6-month session in December. This was the house that had started this family; seen them through job changes, three children, many parties, celebrations, arguments and love. Most of all, the home that housed so much…


Grant William :: 8 days

family love, little ones April 15, 2015 1 Comment

I could have played with this little guy for hours…oh, wait. We totally did. 😉 Sweet Grant was a perfect gem as we took advantage of pretty much everything we could think of. His parents have a fabulous Disney collection, so that was a must. We couldn’t not use the crib that his uncle made special just for him. It…


Ayden Henry :: 1 year

bigger little ones, family love, little ones March 31, 2015 No Comments

You guys–it’s SPRING!!! While we were on vacation, we passed the weather-marking spring equinox and, I’ve gotta tell you, it felt good. I’m ready for it! I’m ready for green grass, chirping birds, sunshine, long walks with the pup and all things outdoors. I know I can’t be the only one–who’s with me!?! This session gets me jumping to get back…
