little ones

Fallon Jay :: 1 year

family love, little ones, sweet baby program March 2, 2015 No Comments

Happy Monday!! The sun is shining, there are rumors of a blizzard-like storm heading our way and we fixed our super messed coffee pot this weekend so my coffee is perked to perfection…what more could a person ask for?! Perhaps, I’ve had an extra cup or two of joe this morning…coupled with successfully rolling out of bed and into an…


One big happy family

bigger little ones, family love, little ones February 24, 2015 No Comments

I’m so anxious for spring, you guys! I’m already thinking about spring walks with the pup, sessions that don’t require eight layers of clothing, having the windows open in the house, curtains fluttering in the breeze. Rain. Green! Sunshine…I’m pouring over seed catalogs, dreaming of gardening; can’t wait to get my hands into that rich soil. It feels like I’ve…
