little ones

Ronan Raymond :: 3 months

bigger little ones, family love, little ones, sweet baby program December 15, 2014 No Comments

Nothing puts one in the mood for Christmas like dead leaves composting on the brown ground while raindrops pummel your window. Maybe that’s magical in warmer climates {and, in reality wouldn’t be too bad when paired with 70 degree weather}, but for 10 days before Christmas in the upper Midwest? Nope. This doesn’t cut it. Mother Nature, I shake my…


Joseph James Squire :: 3 months

bigger little ones, family love, little ones, sweet baby program November 13, 2014 3 Comments

The days have been getting away from me. It’s Thursday already? Middle of November, you say? No way?! I’m over here up to my eyeballs in editing, orders, designing Christmas cards and the rest of all that good stuff. Yesterday, while waiting for files to transfer to an external hard-drive, I channeled my cousin Kate’s insane need for change and rearranged…


Emma :: 6 years

bigger little ones, family love, little ones October 1, 2014 No Comments

It’s raining and awesome in the upper Midwest today and I’m loving it. Oatmeal for breakfast, piping hot coffee sitting keyboard side, wind howling the beautiful fall leaves by my window…I hope the colors last in the trees for a couple more weeks, but it’s gotta be said…I’ll take the rain! I’ll also take this little curly-headed cutie in a…
