little ones

Sloane Bailee :: 9 months

family love, little ones, sweet baby program July 23, 2014 No Comments

I feel like these days are flying by…I mean, it’s Wednesday already for crying out loud!? Where do the days disappear to? I found myself accidentally listening to Christmas music yesterday…thanks a bunch, Pandora shuffle…and realized that I have so much more that I want to do this summer before the snow flies! Time…the only thing you can’t save. 😉…


Savannah James :: 9 months

little ones, sweet baby program July 16, 2014 No Comments

Yesterday, in and of itself, was an experience in the nuances that is travel. I’ll get into the details in my New York post later this week, but I have to say that I am just relaxed to be back home again. Waking up to bright green trees against a brilliant blue sky…big cities don’t have anything on open countryside….


Esme Elisabeth :: 1 year

bigger little ones, family love, little ones June 30, 2014 No Comments

It’s the last day of June and I sit computer-tied and caffeine-highed in disbelief. These last 30 days were fabulously amazing; visit from my best friend from the west coast, skydiving, birthday awesomeness, a beautiful wedding, ample time for outdoor socializing with friends and we wrapped it all up with a pocket adventure to South Dakota this weekend. Yup, that…


Fallon Jay :: 6 months

little ones, sweet baby program June 24, 2014 No Comments

You guys, the sun is out!! YES!!! Sunny days are upon us, finally, and I am itching for some serious outside time today. A run perhaps? A little gardening maybe? Plus, the Mr. and I just installed a zip line in our backyard and I feel like it’s calling my name… Little Miss Fallon Jay…with her adorable smile and laughing…
