little ones

Greyson Marshall :: 1 year

little ones, sweet baby program March 27, 2014 3 Comments

My efforts to wake with the sun this morning were quickly dashed by an apparent over-dose of nighttime-cold medicine and the dreamy sound of rain splashing off my window. In all fairness, the sun is yet to make an appearance this morning, so I’m going to take this as a win/win. Some days are harder than others to get into…


Fallon Jay :: 12 days

family love, little ones March 25, 2014 3 Comments

Some days are better started slow. With the meditative kneading of a scruffy vanilla dough. A steaming cup of liquid gold. The sun quietly peeking over the horizon. Layers of peaches. Dusting of cinnamon sugar. In short; warm peach scones to usher in a new day. That’s how I like to begin my Tuesdays. Calm, sweet and early. It was…
