little ones

Ayden Henry :: Newborn

bigger little ones, family love, little ones March 10, 2014 No Comments

Howdy! I hope you all had a beautiful weekend! It was so nice to see the sun for a bit…and take in some snowman building and snowshoeing, too. Trying to get in as many winter activities as possible before all this beautiful fluff melts. It’s supposed to be nearly 45 today, people! FORTY-FIVE!!!! Whoop, whoop!! Working through my qued blog…


Jaxson Joshua :: 1 year!

family love, little ones October 23, 2013 No Comments

A little bit more love from our more miniature humans. Jackson was the clear definition of a newly minted one-year-old; he didn’t want to sit still, he generally looked away from the camera and he had some above the bar classic expressions. All in all, it was a fantabulous session…concluding with {as all perfectly great one-year-old sessions should} a messy,…
