She’s been blowing up my blog these past few days, but I just had to do one last post of Miss Savi J. I mean, she’s so darn super cute, so why not?! She was just a teeny little peanut for this session just about three months ago {they grow up so quickly!!}. Perhaps one of the perks of being…
Oh, Mr. Vaughn Wolfe…I can’t believe you’re already a Sweet Baby graduate! I’m certainly going to miss seeing your sweet smiling face every three months, but it was an absolute pleasure getting to know you this far. See you again soon, sweet baby boy…
Chubby babies. Is there anything the even approaches being much better than that? Oh, and she’s my niece, so…yeah. That takes the cake.
The call came early, like 4:00am early, but I was ready. Personally, I felt like I knew that Tuesday would be the day; it was only fitting. I told her I’d bide my time and to call me when the contractions were closer. Unable to sleep due to the impending excitement, I packed my equipment and jumped in the shower….