little ones

Brian, Lauren & Camryn :: Family!!

family love, little ones October 7, 2013 No Comments

Continuing on with blogging everyday–I’ve made it all seven days so far, whoop, whoop!!! I met with Brian, Lauren and Little {aka Camryn} a few weeks ago for this sunny, summery family session at their beautiful country home. Not only are these guys just so super nice, but Cam was putting on quite the show of expressions, smiles and stunned…


Sammon Family

bigger little ones, family love, little ones September 30, 2013 No Comments

Last week I attended a workshop that really got me to open my eyes and see my business {and my life} from a new perspective. I hope to get into that particular experience more in another post, but what I really took away from it was the importance of having photographs. The course leader said over and over again, ‘Don’t…


Clara Camille :: 4 months

family love, little ones September 16, 2013 No Comments

Whew–what a weekend!! Back-to-back weddings on Friday and Saturday and a birthday celebration yesterday leave this girl feeling exhausted, sore, tired and super awesomely happy. BOOM, baby, what a great weekend it was!! I’m kicking off this week with a bunch of sessions including an engagement session tonight featuring Miss Clara’s parents {ooooo, yay!}. She was a very expressive and…
