little ones

Theo :: 1 year!!

bigger little ones, family love, little ones August 29, 2013 No Comments

Oh, this little cutie!!! Theo was just an absolute doll. It was approximately 189 degrees and muggy the afternoon we shot these, but he couldn’t have cared less. Wrangled by curiosity, he was in love with the make-shift sandy beach {due to flooding the week before; not too shabby!}, the sparkling water, the softness of the lambskin rug his mom…


Vaughn Wolfe :: 9 months

bigger little ones, family love, little ones, sweet baby program August 22, 2013 No Comments

I’ve been trying this new thing recently…you know, in the whole spirit of birthdays and busy season and preventative-mind-losing…it’s called ‘if you can do it tomorrow, it can certainly get done today’. Catchy, eh? Never heard of such a thought before? Me neither. What a concept, no? 😉 Between the past three days of my ‘new’ mantra, I’ve accomplished much…


Michaela, Jeremy & Scarlette :: Family!!

family love, little ones July 1, 2013 No Comments

First things first :: this session confirmed to me that my new nephew {okay, okay…or niece} will be getting some neon-wear from this Auntie. I mean, seriously. Babies in neon!? So. Adorable. I never would have thunk it, and Scarlette just proves it all the more! Full of so serious facial expressions, Michaela, Jeremy and I were able to extract…
