little ones

Alix Quinn :: 12 days!!

family love, little ones June 27, 2013 3 Comments

Oh, Miss Alix Quinn…where to begin!? She was wide awake and as mobile as could be when I arrived one sunny afternoon to take her photograph. Continually looking around, it was no small feat to get this little one to lay still! Rolling with the flow, we went outside for some sweet sunshine and love from mom, dad, big brother…


Esme Elisabeth:: 14 days

bigger little ones, family love, little ones June 3, 2013 No Comments

I’m about jumping out of my skin today coming down off such a fun-filled, beautiful weekend!! Aw, man, I can’t believe it’s already over! I kicked off Friday with Delaney & Brad’s lovely golf course wedding and hilarious photobooth. Saturday brought some quilting, my very first Red Bull experience {I’ve never had a Red Bull before. Wow…it was awesome.} and…


Hadley Fae :: 1 year!

Adventures, family love, Just me., little ones May 21, 2013 1 Comment

Whew! It’s Tuesday? Already!? This is going to be a strange week, I can tell already. Over the weekend my sister and our cousin, Lilli, surprised our other cousin, Britani, by showing up for her graduation celebration from Cottey College in Nevada, MO. After the initial surprise Friday afternoon, we spent the weekend hanging out in the sun, goofing around…
