Could it be? Is that…the sun?! My little plantlings are taking over our dinning room as we speak and I could not be more excited for all this snow to melt and to get my garden on. I see posts on Facebook and some of the blogs I follow about gardening tips, how-tos, and instructionals on DIY outside projects and…
The point of my travels last week was a workshop with Rita of Bitsy Baby Photography. I found Rita’s business over an online forum and followed her for a few months before reaching out to discuss a workshop. When I approached her, she was openly sweet and knowledgeable and I knew that this would be a fantastic experience for me….
Ahoy from the Eastern Seaboard! In trying to keep with my business goals, a few months ago I scoured the Interwebs for a workshop to expand my photographic skills and step out of my comfort zone. In January, I was feeling a bit blah and realized that the only way to keep myself motivated and learning is if I physically…
Oooo…how darling is this little guy?! Not only did I get to hang out with this awesome family again, but I got to also meet their new addition {who was born on my brother’s birthday, to boot!}. The crazy ice drive to their house was so worth it; Conner was so excited to show off his little brother and I…
Remember that one time when I said that I would post regularly? Hmmm…interesting…whoops. 😉 In my defense, I’ve not been on my main computer all week. Instead, I’ve been working out of the office while on vacation with almost my whole family Up North. Eight days and eight nights of family time; swimming, crafts, movies, meals, snacks, shopping, tasty beverages,…