I have had just the absolute most awesome time so far these past few months!! It’s been amazing to me to be able to connect with people on such personal levels, make my own schedule {heck…yes!}, be creative with people in love….! I feel so lucky and so blessed…!!!!! Little Joey just hit his 9-month marker in the Sweet Baby…
Beautiful, beautiful babies! Ali Jane was a sweet surprise–meaning, her parents knew they were having a baby, just not sure if it was going to be a him or a her. 🙂 And what a sweet, beautiful ‘her’ she is… {Yay for big brother tickle time!!} {Ahahahaha…I love his serious face…!}
OOoo—look at this little man!!!!! Yet another Sweet Baby graduate…in serious denial about it already being a year since he came into our lives. Mr. Jax keeps us all entertained with his silly expressions {which are so much like his daddy’s!}, his funny monkey toes, his easy-going personality…! Ahhhh…other people’s kids are the best…especially when they also happen to fall…
It’s so fun watching ‘my’ babies grow throughout their first year!! Aubrey is always smiles, crazy hair, adorable legwarmers {ha!}, and all things super fun…can’t believe she’s already going to be one in October!!! {Intense shoot playing at the park on a beautiful day=total sleep time. Love. It.}
Bring on the babies!! Miss Ellie graduated from my Sweet Baby program this month–tear! I can’t believe it’s been a year already! When I first started with this family, I had been engaged for a week and they were in the process of selling their house and moving to a new city…now, I’m married for nearly 7 months {whhhaatt?!} and…